Amnesty International - Social Campaign
As part of our current campaign against police violence, Amnesty International now wants to provide assistance and help to victims and thus give a voice to the often muzzled victims of violence.
Conception - Communication Design
Amnesty International

Police violence is a controversial topic that has increasingly become the focus of public attention in recent years. According to current statistics, less than 50 out of 5,000 charges in cases of police violence within Germany are convicted each year, which is just under 1%. In comparison, more than 20,000 charges are filed against people resisting state violence and just under 40% of these result in convictions.
Another alarming finding is that in 2017, more than 91% of cases against police officers were dropped and only 2% of them resulted in charges. These figures indicate that serious abuse of force by police officers seems to be accepted in Germany. It is also particularly worrying that, according to Amnesty International, 25% of officers believe that it is legitimate to use more force than permitted from time to time.
One possible reason for this development could be that there is still no independent investigative body in Germany. This means that police officers in this country investigate their own colleagues, which can lead to conflicts of interest. This situation also has the effect of reducing trust in police institutions.
Overall, police violence is a pressing problem that needs to be addressed. There is a need for effective monitoring, an independent investigative body and consistent action against police abuse of force. This is the only way to restore trust in police institutions and ensure public safety.
The campaign aims to raise public awareness of the issue and provide assistance to people. In particular, it aims to give a voice to victims of police violence and help with legal issues. The campaign aims to expose controversies, deliberately criticize and provoke them in order to bring about change. In doing so, it calls for fair treatment of citizens and better exchange and communication between parties. Another objective is to promote a telephone hotline to offer help to victims of police violence. Overall, the campaign works to raise awareness of the problem and mobilize the public for a necessary change to combat police violence and abuse of power.